💡be on the fence 無法做決定(在籬笆上,兩邊無法做決定)
= be unable to decide on something‧ sit on the fence 中立(不選邊站)
Ex: I’m still on the fence about which school I should go to.(我仍無法做決定我應該要去哪間學校。)
💡pull yourself together 冷靜點;振作起來 (控制一下自己的情緒)
= to take control of your emotionsEx: I know you are upset now. Stop crying and pull yourself together. (我知道你現在很難過。別哭了,振作點!)
💡to get cold feet 打退堂鼓~ (計畫好做某事卻因害怕而退縮)
= be afraid of doing something that you’ve planned to docold 除了指「冷」之外,也有「洩氣的;掃興」之意,而 cold feet 也用來指「害怕;膽怯」而臨陣退縮,並不是指「腳冷」喔!
Ex: I wanted to go bungee jumping last week, but I got cold feet.(我上週想去玩高空彈跳,但我嚇到退縮了。)
💡to have a lot on one’s plate 忙不過來~ (事情太多要做難以負荷)
= to be overwhelmed with somethingEx: This week will be super hectic as I have a lot on my plate. (我這星期會炸忙,因為我有超多事要處理。)
💡throw sb under the bus 背黑鍋、陷害/出賣某人(將某人推下水,做替罪羔羊)
= to betray someone for one’s own personal gainEx: My colleague threw me under the bus in order to gain the opportunity for promotion. (為了得到升遷機會,我同事將我推下水)
💡under the weather 身體不適、不舒服
= not feeling good = feel sickEx: Daisy is feeling a little under the weather, so she can’t come to work today. (黛西有點不舒服,所以他今天不會來上班。)
💡in the heat of the moment 一時氣噗噗/激動之下… (因當下的情緒而做的決定或行動)
= do something without thinking while in an intense emotional stateEx: I’m so sorry that I said those things in the heat of the moment; they were rude. (我感到很抱歉我一時之氣說出那些無禮的話。)
💡easier said than done 別只出一張嘴 (說容易,做難)
Ex: It’s always easier said than done. Show me some results instead of just talking about them. (說總比做來得容易,讓我看看你的成果而不是只是一直光用說的。)
以上幫大家整理出英文學習者必須知道的8句英文慣用語,讓你說起英文更加道地,聽起來既不死板也不制式!喜歡這篇文章嗎? 歡迎收藏、踴躍幫我們分享出去!