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一週四十小時工時的由來 The 40-hour Work Week
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一週四十小時工時的由來 The 40-hour Work Week

2023 年 8 月 10 日


For decades, the 40-hour work week has been more or less the standard . Most people clock in at nine in the morning and leave around five in the afternoon. But why is 40 hours a week considered the right amount of time?


  • standard [ ˈstændɚd] n. 標準 & a. 標準的

It all goes back to the Industrial Revolution in the early 19th century. Back then, American factory workers routinely worked 80 to 100 hours a week. This was of course very tiring and unhealthy. By the mid-19th century, many were calling for a standard eight-hour workday.


  • routinely [ ruˈtinlɪ ] adv. 日常地,經常地
  • tiring [ ˈtaɪrɪŋ ] a. 令人疲憊的
  • call for…  要求⋯⋯


In 1869, US President Ulysses Grant passed a law for an eight-hour day for government workers. Then, in 1926, auto manufacturer Henry Ford found that an eight-hour workday actually increased workers ’ efficiency. What ’ s more, he realized that for the economy to grow, people needed more free time to spend the money they earned . By 1940, the 40-hour work week was required by national law in America. Employees who worked longer than eight hours a day would receive a higher rate of pay for the additional hours.

在 1869 年,美國總統尤里西斯‧格蘭特通過一條法令讓政府員工每天工作八小時。接著,在 1926 年,汽車生產業者亨利‧福特發現一天八小時的工時其實提高了工人的效率。此外,他意識到如果經濟要有所成長,人們得有更多的休閒時間花他們賺到的錢。到了 1940 年,美國的法律已規範一週四十小時的工時。一天工作超過八小時的員工會因為額外的工時而獲得更高的工錢。

  • earn [ ɝn ] vt. 賺得,獲得
  • rate [ ret ] n. 費用;價格
  • additional [ əˈdɪʃənl̩ ] a. 額外的

Our idea of what a perfect schedule looks like is still changing today. Some companies are experimenting with 32-hour weeks and three-day weekends. So far, the results are mixed , but as technology and people ’ s needs change, our work schedules will as well.


  • mixed [ mɪkst ] a. 混合的,參雜的



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