





Jackson Hole會議是什麼?Jackson Hole對股市的影響?一文告訴你Jackson Hole的重要性!
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Jackson Hole會議是什麼?Jackson Hole對股市的影響?一文告訴你Jackson Hole的重要性!

最近更新時間: 26 August, 2024


「降息」,是 2024 年最熱門及最重要的話題,近期隨著通膨數據、勞動市場、零售數據、經經濟成長降溫,市場共識認為 9 月 19 日的美國 FOMC 會議,基本上一定會降息,但現在市場在猜測是降息 1 碼還是 2 碼,不斷的尋找線索,但你知道除了 9 月的 FOMC 之外,8 月底還有一個決定全球經濟格局的重要會議嗎?甚至可能會釋出關於降息的消息,就是 Jackson Hole 全球央行會議,讓股感告訴你,Jackson Hole 的重要性及如何影響股市。

什麼是Jackson Hole?

Jackson Hole 是一年一度的全球央行年會,由美國堪薩斯聯邦準備銀行於每年 8 月下旬舉辦的年度盛會,也是歷史最悠久的央行會議之一,會議就在 Jackson Hole 這個地方舉行(這是其實是一個地名!), 會議將討論主要國家經濟體的貨幣政策,是受到各國央行關注的盛會,將邀集央行官員、經濟學家、金融市場參與者、政府官員與媒體人員共聚一堂,探討重要的長期政策,會後將發布會議記錄提供給全球人士參閱。

2024 年 Jackson Hole 會議主題

今年 Jackson Hole 在 8 月 22 日至 24 日舉行,將聚焦在「重新評估貨幣政策的有效性和傳導性」(Reassessing the Effectiveness and Transmission of Monetary Policy)」。 Fed 主席 Powell 於 8 月 23 日美東時間上午 10:00(台北時間晚上 10:00)發表主體演講。

Jackson Hole對股市的影響

Jackson Hole 無疑是 8 月最重要的大事,因為本場會議內容探討的貨幣政策,涉及到全球總體經濟發展,將決定全球經濟的走向,故會議內容及那位一句話就能撼動股市的男人- Powell 表述的內容,將深深影響股市。

筆者回測歷史數據發現,Jackson Hole 會議前後 5 個交易日,美股大盤的震盪幅度會放大,那該如何應對 Jackson Hole 的到來呢?筆者實際回測 2020~2024 年的數據,分析並提出建議給讀者參考。










觀察 2020~2023 年的費城半導體走勢,除了 2022 年是因為當年 FED 啟動暴力升息循環,當時的時空背景是投資機構認為說,Powell 會在 Jackson Hole 會議釋放暫緩升息的鴿派消息,結果 Powell 仍持鷹派看法,強調會持續升息,因此費城半導體一路續跌。

若排除 2022 年,在 2020、2021、2023 年這三年中,雖然走勢不完全相同,但可以看出一個規律,在會議前若是上漲波段的趨勢,當時間越靠近 Jackson Hole ,上漲幅度會放緩或出現下跌修正,因為市場擔心會有不確定的利空消息出現,但在 Jackson Hole 的第一天會議結束後,市場消化不確定的消息,現有的消息已被確定,費城半導體將重回正常交易格局,甚至再有一波上漲波段。


Jackson Hole 是一年一度最重要的經濟會議,會議的內容將影響全球經濟,是投資人一定要關注了解的資訊。依據歷史數據回測,在 Jackson Hole 的前 5 個交易日,費城半導體指數的震盪會放大,若之前是上漲趨勢話,可能會出現漲幅放緩或下跌修正,因為擔憂會有不確定的利空,但在 Jackson Hole 會議後,市場消化完不確定的消息後,將重回正常交易格局。由於費城半導體指數與台股加權指數關聯性高,若近期台股出現震盪,先不需要過於擔心,重點是會議的內容。
本次必須要關注 Fed 主席 Powell 的演講,對於美國經濟成長幅度、通膨、勞動市場的看法,以及是否會談論對於 9 月降息的看法,目前是考慮降息 1 碼還是 2 碼,這將決定費城半導體指數後續的走勢,若釋放鴿派消息,將有助於股市再有一波上漲波段,若仍保守看待及沒有釋出更多消息,恐怕大盤短期將走向震盪。不過以歷史數據及近期正向的總經數據(如通膨、零售消費、經濟成長、勞動市場)來看,筆者保持樂觀及謹慎的態度,面對後續股市的發展!

Powell 於 Jackson Hole 演講看法 (8/23)

Powell 表示「經濟仍在以穩健的步伐增長,通膨的上行風險已經減弱,而勞動市場的下行風險則增加了」,「減息的時機仍將取決於未來公佈的數據、不斷變化的前景和風險平衡」。

如同 8/6 筆者針對薩姆規則的文章中及 8/23 的股感盤後研究室提及,美國經濟仍是處於軟著陸,不過仍要持續追蹤最新的數據, 9 月 6 日公布的失業率及非農就業將成為近期最重要的總經數據,將影響 9 月 19 日 FOMC 的決議內容。 

目前觀察美股(S&P 500 及費城半導體指數)及台股(加權指數),成交量不在像前兩週量縮震盪,成交量有逐步放大,且出現正常交易格局,具有優異基本面的個股也慢慢出現上漲趨勢,大致上與過往歷史走勢相似,與 8/16 撰寫本文時的看法一致,保持樂觀及謹慎的態度,面對後續股市的發展!


Powell 的 Jackson Hole 演講內容(中英文逐字稿)

Four and a half years after COVID-19’s arrival, the worst of the pandemic-related economic distortions are fading. Inflation has declined significantly. The labor market is no longer overheated, and conditions are now less tight than those that prevailed before the pandemic. Supply constraints have normalized. And the balance of the risks to our two mandates has changed. Our objective has been to restore price stability while maintaining a strong labor market, avoiding the sharp increases in unemployment that characterized earlier disinflationary episodes when inflation expectations were less well anchored. While the task is not complete, we have made a good deal of progress toward that outcome.


Today, I will begin by addressing the current economic situation and the path ahead for monetary policy. I will then turn to a discussion of economic events since the pandemic arrived, exploring why inflation rose to levels not seen in a generation, and why it has fallen so much while unemployment has remained low.


Near-Term Outlook for Policy 政策的短期展望

For much of the past three years, inflation ran well above our 2 percent goal, and labor market conditions were extremely tight. The Federal Open Market Committee’s (FOMC) primary focus has been on bringing down inflation, and appropriately so. Prior to this episode, most Americans alive today had not experienced the pain of high inflation for a sustained period. Inflation brought substantial hardship, especially for those least able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, housing, and transportation. High inflation triggered stress and a sense of unfairness that linger today.


Our restrictive monetary policy helped restore balance between aggregate supply and demand, easing inflationary pressures and ensuring that inflation expectations remained well anchored. Inflation is now much closer to our objective, with prices having risen 2.5 percent over the past 12 months (figure 1) . After a pause earlier this year, progress toward our 2 percent objective has resumed. My confidence has grown that inflation is on a sustainable path back to 2 percent.


Turning to employment, in the years just prior to the pandemic, we saw the significant benefits to society that can come from a long period of strong labor market conditions: low unemployment, high participation, historically low racial employment gaps, and, with inflation low and stable, healthy real wage gains that were increasingly concentrated among those with lower incomes.


Today, the labor market has cooled considerably from its formerly overheated state. The unemployment rate began to rise over a year ago and is now at 4.3 percent—still low by historical standards, but almost a full percentage point above its level in early 2023 . Most of that increase has come over the past six months. So far, rising unemployment has not been the result of elevated layoffs, as is typically the case in an economic downturn. Rather, the increase mainly reflects a substantial increase in the supply of workers and a slowdown from the previously frantic pace of hiring. Even so, the cooling in labor market conditions is unmistakable. Job gains remain solid but have slowed this year. Job vacancies have fallen, and the ratio of vacancies to unemployment has returned to its pre-pandemic range. The hiring and quits rates are now below the levels that prevailed in 2018 and 2019. Nominal wage gains have moderated. All told, labor market conditions are now less tight than just before the pandemic in 2019—a year when inflation ran below 2 percent. It seems unlikely that the labor market will be a source of elevated inflationary pressures anytime soon. We do not seek or welcome further cooling in labor market conditions.

如今,勞動力市場已從之前的過熱狀態大幅降溫。失業率在一年多前開始上升,目前爲4.3%,以歷史標準衡量仍然較低,但比2023年初的水平高出將近整整一個百分點。其中大部分上升是在過去六個月中實現的。到目前爲止,失業率上升並不是裁員增加的結果,而裁員是經濟衰退時期的典型情況。相反,這一增長主要反映了工人供給的大幅增加以及之前瘋狂的招聘速度有所放緩。即便如此,勞動力市場狀況的降溫是毋庸置疑的。就業增長保持穩健,但今年有所放緩。職位空缺下降,職位空缺與失業的比率已回到疫情前的水平。招聘率和離職率現在低於 2018年和2019年的水平。名義工資增長有所放緩。總而言之,現在的勞動力市場狀況不如2019年疫情之前那麼緊張,那一年的通脹率低於2%。勞動力市場似乎不太可能在短期內成爲通脹壓力上升的根源。我們不尋求或歡迎勞動力市場狀況進一步降溫。

Overall, the economy continues to grow at a solid pace. But the inflation and labor market data show an evolving situation. The upside risks to inflation have diminished. And the downside risks to employment have increased. As we highlighted in our last FOMC statement, we are attentive to the risks to both sides of our dual mandate.


The time has come for policy to adjust. The direction of travel is clear, and the timing and pace of rate cuts will depend on incoming data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks.


We will do everything we can to support a strong labor market as we make further progress toward price stability. With an appropriate dialing back of policy restraint, there is good reason to think that the economy will get back to 2 percent inflation while maintaining a strong labor market. The current level of our policy rate gives us ample room to respond to any risks we may face, including the risk of unwelcome further weakening in labor market conditions.


The Rise and Fall of Inflation 通膨的起落

Let’s now turn to the questions of why inflation rose, and why it has fallen so significantly even as unemployment has remained low. There is a growing body of research on these questions, and this is a good time for this discussion. It is, of course, too soon to make definitive assessments. This period will be analyzed and debated long after we are gone.


The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic led quickly to shutdowns in economies around the world. It was a time of radical uncertainty and severe downside risks. As so often happens in times of crisis, Americans adapted and innovated. Governments responded with extraordinary force, especially in the U.S. Congress unanimously passed the CARES Act. At the Fed, we used our powers to an unprecedented extent to stabilize the financial system and help stave off an economic depression.


After a historically deep but brief recession, in mid-2020 the economy began to grow again. As the risks of a severe, extended downturn receded, and as the economy reopened, we faced the risk of replaying the painfully slow recovery that followed the Global Financial Crisis.


Congress delivered substantial additional fiscal support in late 2020 and again in early 2021. Spending recovered strongly in the first half of 2021. The ongoing pandemic shaped the pattern of the recovery. Lingering concerns over COVID weighed on spending on in-person services. But pent-up demand, stimulative policies, pandemic changes in work and leisure practices, and the additional savings associated with constrained services spending all contributed to a historic surge in consumer spending on goods.


The pandemic also wreaked havoc on supply conditions. Eight million people left the workforce at its onset, and the size of the labor force was still 4 million below its pre-pandemic level in early 2021. The labor force would not return to its pre-pandemic trend until mid-2023. Supply chains were snarled by a combination of lost workers, disrupted international trade linkages, and tectonic shifts in the composition and level of demand . Clearly, this was nothing like the slow recovery after the Global Financial Crisis.


Enter inflation. After running below target through 2020, inflation spiked in March and April 2021. The initial burst of inflation was concentrated rather than broad based, with extremely large price increases for goods in short supply, such as motor vehicles. My colleagues and I judged at the outset that these pandemic-related factors would not be persistent and, thus, that the sudden rise in inflation was likely to pass through fairly quickly without the need for a monetary policy response—in short, that the inflation would be transitory. Standard thinking has long been that, as long as inflation expectations remain well anchored, it can be appropriate for central banks to look through a temporary rise in inflation.


The good ship Transitory was a crowded one, with most mainstream analysts and advanced-economy central bankers on board. The common expectation was that supply conditions would improve reasonably quickly, that the rapid recovery in demand would run its course, and that demand would rotate back from goods to services, bringing inflation down.


For a time, the data were consistent with the transitory hypothesis. Monthly readings for core inflation declined every month from April to September 2021, although progress came slower than expected. The case began to weaken around midyear, as was reflected in our communications. Beginning in October, the data turned hard against the transitory hypothesis.9 Inflation rose and broadened out from goods into services. It became clear that the high inflation was not transitory, and that it would require a strong policy response if inflation expectations were to remain well anchored. We recognized that and pivoted beginning in November. Financial conditions began to tighten. After phasing out our asset purchases, we lifted off in March 2022.


By early 2022, headline inflation exceeded 6 percent, with core inflation above 5 percent. New supply shocks appeared. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine led to a sharp increase in energy and commodity prices. The improvements in supply conditions and rotation in demand from goods to services were taking much longer than expected, in part due to further COVID waves in the U.S.


High rates of inflation were a global phenomenon, reflecting common experiences: rapid increases in the demand for goods, strained supply chains, tight labor markets, and sharp hikes in commodity prices.12 The global nature of inflation was unlike any period since the 1970s. Back then, high inflation became entrenched—an outcome we were utterly committed to avoiding.


By mid-2022, the labor market was extremely tight, with employment increasing by over 6-1/2 million from the middle of 2021. This increase in labor demand was met, in part, by workers rejoining the labor force as health concerns began to fade. But labor supply remained constrained, and, in the summer of 2022, labor force participation remained well below pre-pandemic levels. There were nearly twice as many job openings as unemployed persons from March 2022 through the end of the year, signaling a severe labor shortage. Inflation peaked at 7.1 percent in June 2022.


At this podium two years ago, I discussed the possibility that addressing inflation could bring some pain in the form of higher unemployment and slower growth. Some argued that getting inflation under control would require a recession and a lengthy period of high unemployment. I expressed our unconditional commitment to fully restoring price stability and to keeping at it until the job is done.


The FOMC did not flinch from carrying out our responsibilities, and our actions forcefully demonstrated our commitment to restoring price stability. We raised our policy rate by 425 basis points in 2022 and another 100 basis points in 2023. We have held our policy rate at its current restrictive level since July 2023.


The summer of 2022 proved to be the peak of inflation. The 4-1/2 percentage point decline in inflation from its peak two years ago has occurred in a context of low unemployment—a welcome and historically unusual result.


How did inflation fall without a sharp rise in unemployment above its estimated natural rate?


Pandemic-related distortions to supply and demand, as well as severe shocks to energy and commodity markets, were important drivers of high inflation, and their reversal has been a key part of the story of its decline. The unwinding of these factors took much longer than expected but ultimately played a large role in the subsequent disinflation. Our restrictive monetary policy contributed to a moderation in aggregate demand, which combined with improvements in aggregate supply to reduce inflationary pressures while allowing growth to continue at a healthy pace. As labor demand also moderated, the historically high level of vacancies relative to unemployment has normalized primarily through a decline in vacancies, without sizable and disruptive layoffs, bringing the labor market to a state where it is no longer a source of inflationary pressures.


A word on the critical importance of inflation expectations. Standard economic models have long reflected the view that inflation will return to its objective when product and labor markets are balanced—without the need for economic slack—so long as inflation expectations are anchored at our objective. That’s what the models said, but the stability of longer-run inflation expectations since the 2000s had not been tested by a persistent burst of high inflation. It was far from assured that the inflation anchor would hold. Concerns over de-anchoring contributed to the view that disinflation would require slack in the economy and specifically in the labor market. An important takeaway from recent experience is that anchored inflation expectations, reinforced by vigorous central bank actions, can facilitate disinflation without the need for slack.


This narrative attributes much of the increase in inflation to an extraordinary collision between overheated and temporarily distorted demand and constrained supply. While researchers differ in their approaches and, to some extent, in their conclusions, a consensus seems to be emerging, which I see as attributing most of the rise in inflation to this collision.All told, the healing from pandemic distortions, our efforts to moderate aggregate demand, and the anchoring of expectations have worked together to put inflation on what increasingly appears to be a sustainable path to our 2 percent objective.


Disinflation while preserving labor market strength is only possible with anchored inflation expectations, which reflect the public’s confidence that the central bank will bring about 2 percent inflation over time. That confidence has been built over decades and reinforced by our actions.


That is my assessment of events. Your mileage may vary.


Conclusion 結論

Let me wrap up by emphasizing that the pandemic economy has proved to be unlike any other, and that there remains much to be learned from this extraordinary period. Our Statement on Longer-Run Goals and Monetary Policy Strategy emphasizes our commitment to reviewing our principles and making appropriate adjustments through a thorough public review every five years. As we begin this process later this year, we will be open to criticism and new ideas, while preserving the strengths of our framework. The limits of our knowledge—so clearly evident during the pandemic—demand humility and a questioning spirit focused on learning lessons from the past and applying them flexibly to our current challenges.


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