Anthony: Mary, will you ever go out with me?
Mary: Anthony, I really have my hands full right now.
Anthony: I’m not asking you to marry me. I just want to grab a cup of coffee or something.
Mary: Why me?
Anthony: Because you’re smart, gorgeous, and kind.
Mary: Well, since you put it that way, maybe a cup of coffee wouldn’t hurt.
瑪 麗:安東尼,我現在實在是忙得無法分身。
瑪 麗:為什麼要找我?
瑪 麗:這樣的話,既然你都這麼說了,也許喝杯咖啡也無妨。
hand 表『手』,full 則表『滿的』
本俚語字面上的意思是指『雙手都滿了』。可想而知,如果雙手都抓滿了東西,就沒有辦法再去做別的事,也就是我們常說的『分身乏術』。想拒絕他人的邀約卻又不知如何開口時,不妨效法瑪麗,將 have one’s hands full 這個俚語學起來,如此既能大秀自己的英文,又能無傷大雅地拒絕對方。
I’m sorry, but I have my hands full at this moment.
會用到 hand 的俚語常常跟『做事情』有關
- have a free hand to V 有充分揮灑空間做⋯⋯
- have a hand in… 參與做⋯⋯
He has a free hand to choose the brand of toilet paper.
= He has the freedom to choose the brand of toilet paper.
(他有選擇衛生紙牌子的自由。)He has a hand in the decision to buy that brand of toilet paper.
hand 也可作動詞,表『交給』
Quick, hand me the newspaper!
= Quick, give me the newspaper!